Rockstar of the Quarter: Sheila LeDocq

Rockstar of the Quarter: Sheila LeDocq

And Creative Sign Rockstar of the Quarter goes to…. Sheila LeDocq!

Position: Receptionist
Trait of Extreme Awesomeness: Respect
What her co-workers have said about her:
“Sheila is the welcoming smile and friendly voice of the company when people first enter or call Creative Sign.  She balances her many tasks with poise and a helpful and upbeat manner.”

“Sheila demonstrates on a daily basis that she genuinely cares about her co-workers and Creative Sign.”

Sheila joined Creative Sign in March of 2017, quickly showing what a Rockstar she is.  To date, Sheila has received the most nominations of any employee for Rockstar of the Quarter!

Congrats, Sheila!  You earned it!

#RockstarOfTheQuarter #SignNerds #CreativeSignCompany #TraitsOfExtremeAwesomeness